How many claws come in a stone crab meal?
We calculate 1.5 lbs. per person. Thus, dinner for 2 comes with 3 lbs. of claws; dinner for 4 comes with 6 lbs. of claws; etc.
How many mustard and butter sauces come with my order?
We give you a 8 oz. container of mustard sauce or butter sauce for every 3 lbs. Thus, a dinner for 2 comes with 1 container of mustard or butter sauce; a dinner for 4 comes with 2 containers of mustard or butter sauce; etc.
How many different sizes of claws does Patas Stone Crabs offer?
Patas Stone Crabs offers three sizes medium, large and jumbo.
How long will a fresh stone crab last?
A fresh stone crab will remain fresh and tasty for approximately seven days after receipt if you store it in a fridge. Nevertheless, our stone crabs never last more than a day before they are eaten up.
Are the black spots normal on my claw?
Those little spots are just bruises that the claw gets from Sea. They don’t affect the freshness or tastiness of the stone crab claw.
Once cracked, how long will the claws last?
We recommend that once cracked the stones crabs be eaten the same day. Otherwise, they’ll become dry and lose some of their taste.